Hello! Pen & Palate is the work of Lucy Madison and Tram Nguyen. Please feel free to get in touch any time. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter. Thanks for reading!

lucy_madison_pen_and_palateLucy Madison is a NYC-based writer and journalist. She has written for Interview magazine, Teen Vogue, W, The Awl, The Hairpin, Talking Points Memo, and CBS News, among other places. She is on Twitter here and Instagram here. She also has a website.

tram_nguyen_pen_and_palateTram Nguyen is an illustrator and costume designer based out of Chicago. Her work has been featured in Saveur, Cherry Bombe, The Guardian, and other publications. To see a selection of her illustrations, please visit her portfolio site.

We our thrilled to announce that our first book, Pen & Palate: Mastering the Art of Adulthood, with Recipes (Grand Central Life & Style), will be released on May 31, 2016. It’s an illustrated coming-of-age food memoir with new recipes, and it is available for pre-order now.


13 Comments Write a comment

  1. I love this so much. So happy you two are doing it together! Ahoy ahoy!

  2. Could this be my mom’s long-lost lemon meringue recipe? Did your mom get it from a newspaper article in the 60s? Lemon meringue was my mom’s best pie, and she was an amazing cook. She also used a quick pastry recipe; hers was with vegetable oil, from an old edition of Joy of Cooking. Love the wonderful watercolors, too!

  3. Laura: The filling comes from the 70s-era Joy, but I don’t know where Aunt Marigene got her pie crust recipe!

  4. What a creative, beautiful, and unique blog. The artwork is gorgeous and the writing, lovely. I’m so glad thekitchn featured you so I could be inspired this morning.

  5. It feels like a little escape in my day to come by your blog to read and take in the lovely watercolors. So glad you’re here.

  6. I love your wit and humor – the illustrations are outstanding! Great team!

  7. Absolutely love your stuff; but, if I may, I’d like to humbly suggest more Ron Artest themed posts. Just sayin’ :-)

  8. I really enjoyed the book and the recipes. It’s the kind of cookbook/memoir I like, the personal favorites of the food-obsessed. Reminded me a bit of Ruth Reichl’s “My Kitchen Year” – just random favorite recipes and the backstory behind them.

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