
Friday Links

pen and palate rice

Hi, happy Friday, what are you up to this weekend? Lucy has a birthday, after which she has big plans to turn into a cobweb and disappear forever. That’s in addition to: eating Japanese food, eating Chinese food, eating cake, drinking wine, eating more cake, drinking several beers, etc. Rob I hope you’re reading this (hint: bake me a cake). According to the internet, other people on this planet will be doing things like drinking Cheez-It cocktails, ordering from the secret Mister Softee menu(???), and more. Check it out after the jump. Tell us fun things in the comments. Read more


Shameless Self-promotion

pen and palate drink

Lucy and I did an interview two months ago with Saveur, explaining the origins of Pen & Palate, our inspirations and process. We’re just getting around to sharing the link because…we didn’t realize it actually ran until a few days ago? Too busy doing important things like playing Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, I guess.

If you are not too busy cultivating your Kim K skills, you can read our interview here, or a see a complete list of the the Best Food Blog Awards 2014 winners here. We highly recommend our babely Canadian friends Lindsay Anderson and Dana VanVeller’s FEAST: An Edible Road Trip.  Not only are these ladies lovely, talented, funny writers, they also do all sorts of adventurous things like eat narwhal, “the unicorn of the ocean”.


Friday Links

pen and palate bottleHiiii, it’s Friday again and, unlike last week, when Tram and I were hanging out IRL and too distracted to post, this week we are back again with the links thingy. It’s an experiment, ok?! If you would like to weigh in on whether you think it’s good or sucks, please do so in the comments. This week we have Jane Pratt’s candy-hindered colonoscopy; hypercolor ice cream; raw narwhal consumption; and more.   Read more